I thought today I'd do a really serious Doctor Who blog post. The kind that people will read and then say "My God, this has totally turned my life around. Thank you, Emma, for opening my eyes like that." So here, in order, from last to first, are the Doctors in order of "Rawr" factor.
I may have lied about the serious bit.
11. William Hartnell (1st)
This probably looks a bit ageist. He WAS the oldest actor to take on the part, and to be fair to him, it shows. Though there are some who might say that the long white hair had a touch of the silver fox about it. And he dressed quite swishly too.
10. John Pertwee (3)
He sort of scares me, to be honest. He looks exactly how I imagine Uncle Andrew in The Magician's Nephew, and anyone who's read that will know that that is NOT a good comparison. However, again, kudos on the style. It's probably what Oscar Wilde would wear if he could travel through space and time.
9. Colin Baker (6)
To be fair to Doctor No. 6, he's not bad looking. It's the outfit I can't get past. It's like a clown factory exploded beside him. Surely he'd be more suited to a kid's programme, like Balamory? This picture just makes him look like a less threatening Willy Wonka, merrily dancing through the park and singing about gum drops.
8. Patrick Troughton (2)
He looks a bit like Spock, but that's okay, Spock was pretty hot in that new Star Trek film. Matt Smith seems to have pretty much stolen his look, and personality from what I hear. But I wouldn't know much about that, being only a New Series fan!
7. Sylvester McCoy (7)
I think I've ranked him this high because he reminded me a little of Del Boy. Not that I fancy Del Boy, far from it! But it's a look I'm used to, a familiar sort of thing. And again, swish outfit. Apart from the crazy jumper. Did his two-headed godmother give him that as well?
6. Tom Baker (4)
Over-compensating massive scarf aside, the Fourth Doctor definitely had a glint in his eye. Epic hair as well. I've seen more of him than any of the other classic Doctors too, and a special mention must go to the Dead Ringers team who took the piss out of him so often. My favourite is him lamenting that he never had an assistant who looked like Billie Piper. Bless.
5. Christopher Ecclestone (9)
They say you never forget your first Doctor. Well, he was mine. And somewhere around the third episode I started to fancy him like crazy. It was probably the character more than anything but I was always a sucker for a man in a leather jacket. The Northern England accent was also a bonus.
4. Peter Davison (5)
The second youngest Doctor ever. And yes, people, we are firmly into the "Hell yes I would" section of this countdown. Just as I love leather jackets, I also love fair-haired Englishmen. And the cricketing outfit is terribly cute. I don't get the celery stick, though.
3. Matt Smith (11)
I'll get this out of the way. Matt Smith is MY Doctor. In years to come, if this programme is still running, I will be looking down my nose at whatever young whippersnapper is portraying the character and going, "He's not a patch on Eleven.. Eleven was epic. This dude doesn't have a clue." And, yes, I was saying these exact things about Smith before he came along and changed my mind. I used to think he looked like Jedward; I now think he's smoking hot. Feast your eyes!
2. Paul McGann (8)
Yes, the film was shit beyond belief, and Eric Roberts as the Master still cracks me up to this day. But I loved the Doctor. He was, to quote Wikipedia, a Byronesque and romantic figure. Also the first Doctor to get it on with one of his companions, which has to count for something. And I love his outfit. And he's gorgeous. Indeed...
1. David Tennant (10)
Well, who else was it going to be?! Casanova, Barty Crouch Jnr, Brendan Block... The only way Tennant could have been more gorgeous would have been if he could have used his natural Scottish accent for the role. But then I guess I would have spent every episode he was in just staring wistfully at the telly. Which probably accounts for the reason that, to this day, I can't tell you what happens in Tooth and Claw.
Well there you have it, my list of the lookers of the Doctors! Feel free to disagree or agree in the comments section, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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